Submission deadline: November 15, 2016

We are organizing a special issue on Apparent Personality Analysis to be published in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing that may be of interest to some of you.

Aims and scope

Automatic analysis of videos and any other kind of input data to characterize human behavior has become an area of active research with applications in affective computing, human-machine interfaces, gaming, security, marketing, health, and other domains. Research advances in multimedia information processing, computer vision and pattern recognition have lead to established methodologies that are able to successfully recognize consciously executed actions, or intended movements (e.g., gestures, actions, interactions with objects and other people). However, recently there has been much progress in terms of computational approaches to characterize sub-conscious behaviors, which may be revealing aptitudes or competence, hidden intentions, and personality traits. This special issue will compile progress on apparent personality analysis from a computational perspective.

Topics and guidelines

Manuscripts making fundamental or practical contributions on Apparent Personality Analysis are solicited, including, but not limited to, the following topics:

* Apparent personality analysis

+Personality trait analysis,

+Personality profiling,

+Psychological analysis,

* Social signal processing

+ Detection of nonverbal behavioral cues, including micro-expressions,

+ Inference of attitude from nonverbal cues,

+ Synthesis and generation of nonverbal behavioral cues,

* Affective computing

+ Emotion analysis

+ Adaptive systems based on emotion

* Applications: Health, Security, Forensics, criminology, Job interviews, Dating, Marketing..

This special issue is inspired by a series of ChaLearn Looking at People events (see, including academic challenges and workshops organized at CVPR 2011, CVPR 2012, ICPR 2012, ICMI 2013, ECCV 2015, CVPR 2015, ICCV2015, CVPR 2016, and ECCV 2016.

All papers will undergo the same rigorous TAC review process. Please refer to the TAC website for detailed instructions on paper submission:

Important dates:

Submission system starts receiving submissions: October, 15th, 2016

Paper submission deadline: November, 15th, 2016

Acceptance/rejection notification: April, 15th, 2017

Paper publication: Late 2017

Guest editors:

Sergio Escalera, Computer Vision Center and University of Barcelona, ChaLearn, Spain,

Xavier Baró, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya & Computer Vision Center, Spain,

Isabelle Guyon, ChaLearn, Berkeley, CA, USA, Université Paris-Saclay, France,

Hugo Jair Escalante, INAOE, ChaLearn, Mexico, .com